Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid

Hermes Cowboy Fluid scarf knot, known as Cow Boy Fluide on Hermes knotting card, needs less than 40 seconds to make. It can give you a quick-fix if you are running out of time while wanting a stylish look. It works well on Hermes 70, 90 and 140cm scarves, see comparisons below.

Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid
Cowboy Fluid scarf knot on 70, 90 and 140cm silk scarves. Photos courtesy of Hermes.

So, let’s start the tutorial.

  1. Fold Hermes square scarf half diagonally.
  2. Wrap the scarf in an inverted triangle around your neck, with the ends drape naturally at both sides.
  3. Adjust the folds in the centre and you are done!

A small reminder for you is that if you prefer to keep the care instruction label on the scarf, do your best to make a fold that can hide the label. Visible label minus the beauty of a scarf knot.

Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid
Step 1: Fold Hermes square scarf half diagonally.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid
Step 2: Wrap the scarf in an inverted triangle around your neck, with the ends drape naturally at both sides.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy Fluid
Step 3: Adjust the folds in the centre.

This YouTube tutorial is for readers who love to learn through video. I will be making videos from time to time, gradually but surely. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel if you want to see all the scarf tutorials that I have created so far. Enjoy 🙂

Lastly, play the audio if you love to know how to pronounce Cow Boy Fluide in French.

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